最終更新日: 2024年6月9日
- 数理最適化の社会課題解決に向けた応用・基盤化・数値検証
- 多様なデータ構造・インタラクションを対象とした知識情報処理
- 基盤技術としての最適化計算・機械学習・データマイニング
- データ科学のフロントエンド・ユーザインタラクション
This web page is maintained by Kesiuke Otaki. He is a researcher at Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. and his primary research interests are as follows.
- An application of mathematical optimization methods (including modeling, developing solvers/algorithms, designing information systems) for problems in the real-world,
- Information processing focusing on both AI and users (e.g., Human-Computer Interaction, Augmented Human Intelligence),
- Fundamental research on methods from computation, learning, and mining from complex data, and
- Frontend/User-side aspects (e.g., Information Design, User eXperience) of data science.